Saturday, October 22, 2016

What's happening at Vankleek Hill? An update from Sue Jephcott:

Hola, friends and Bonjour! Here's an update on my book The Tangerine Cat.  On Saturday, 5th November, as part of The Vankleek Hill Christmas Home Tour, I will have Three Owls Studio open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  On exhibit will be my paintings and drawings from The Tangerine Cat. 

There will also be Nancy Vickers' latest gothic novel Maldoror available, along with some of her other fantasy books. Maldoror was inspired by Vankleek Hill and some of its inhabitants. 

Vickers, originally from the Saguenay, has lived in Ottawa for the last thirty years. She writes in French. 

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